onsdag 11. november 2009

This is a first aid place for people who are attacked!
First one detail : Some people are getting really voices in their head, like Nikola Tesla did. He thought it was from the Pleiades, but closer investigation and research have discover that there is a “field” around the earth, where many “spirits” are, some of these spirits are dead people. So some people actually have real “contact” with “spirits”, like Nikola Tesla and Jean d`Arc etc. Tesla got help from the spirits to create his fantastic inventions.
There are humans who is giving people “voices in the head” too. It depend what kind of technology they are using, some people have a “radio-transmitter” in a tooth, that is transferring the voices, and other people have so called cochlea-implant, a hearing-aid under the skin, or behind their ears – where the ear goes into the scull, the implant is just on the inside of the scull, hanging on the backside of the ear.
There are many “teams” that is playing on the “giving people voices in your head”-playground. So to make you understand “who” is fucking your brain, let it be known that there is so many “research-institutions” that is doing different jobs for them selves, for pharmacological-companies, for brain-or mathematic-studies, or medicine company’s etc.etc To try out new vaccines or medicines or different drugs. Most of the people who are getting destroyed are intelligent people with “some qualities that “someone wants”. Many Universities around the world are into this business-service, and also University-hospitals. Anyone who is getting operated at a University-Hospital, is in the risk of getting some extra technological and electrical equipment in their body, if they are getting operated. Dentists are also used to put in “equipments”. And the last place is if they “visit you” in the night when you are sleeping, and you only wake up with headache or bleeding nose-cave.
There is also “the dogs” and the “wolfs”, who they are is easy to guess, the “dogs” do it for intelligence-reason, or to “take away a unwanted person, or someone they can call psychopathic”, “the wolfs” used to do this for intelligence-reasons, now they are mostly only killing and harvesting “human knowledge” at the same time, for big multi-national corporations.
There is also “some people” who are getting fucked, because their brain is going in “beta-mode”, most of them are used as “psychics”, involuntarily.

Second: How are they doing it?
They put “machines” into you. Small micro-electronics and silicon-electronics that is getting put into nerves and the nerve-system. They can also have “micro-dots” in the eyes, small silicon-optic-electronics, that is possible to “see what you see”.
There is “full-monitoring-telemetry-machines” that can read your thoughts, and also do “programming” to you, when you are asleep. It’s possible to “program” different ways, sexual-programming are the key to other programming. Other program can be “automatic-soldier”, like the “school-killers” are programmed to, normal they are programmed to do suicide after their “mission”. And also they can change your sexuality, or interests, and you don’t realize that this is coming from outside yourself.
They are using advanced machines to hypnosis, and creating multiple personalities that you don’t even know about,

How to save your life?
Take x-ray, and since x-ray are a “negative”, its possible to develop it, like a picture. This you can actually do, or you can use the x-ray, hang it up on a light-box, so its shining light on the backside, take a picture of it with a digital camera, and put it into a computer. Open it with a program called “Photoshop”. There you can try different “filters”, and also “invert”, and if there are wires or electronics, it will show up with a little work. You can also scan the x-ray into the computer.
Some “machines have 40, some have 100, and some have 180 or more “parts” of electronics/ silicon-circuits, and the best is to try to get a overview over how big machine they have put into you. Fingers, hands, ears, head, brain, throat, spine, stomach, urine-bladder, prostate, colon, legs, toes, eyes, theets, tongue, nose cave and mouth cave are “normal places” for implants, and also the sexual organs.
Your x-rays are your property, and you can get them out from any hospital. You can also do x-ray private.
When the machine is mapped, its time to start to get it out. The urine-bladder is often a place for electrical-equipments, and this is important to get rid of. There is also “batteries” that is normal placed in the leg-bones, cut the wires from these, and get out the battery at a later time. There is a “field”-unit, placed in the abdomen, close to the urinbladder and the sexual parts, this you must get out. This is the most dangerous part that will give you cancer if you don’t take it out. It looks like a small “ball”. And the last important part is in your colon, someone call it your ass. This is a tube that is “taking gas” and using the gas for other purposes in the “machine”.
There is also “tubes”, small electronics in your hands, normal is in the grip between the thumb and the pointing-finger. There is at least 3 electronics there, localize them, get them operated out. Any doctor will help you; they are not allowed to tell anyone.

Get a lock that is “blocking” the door, so it’s not possible to only use a key. These people have “machines” that can induce sleep electronically, and they have keys that can open any doors.
Get alarm, or even better, a dog.

Documentate your story.
Take samples of your urine, and your spit and your blood, get it checked.
Most of them who are getting “harvested” also get “worms”. Since the MK-Ultra and the Monarch-program were using butterfly-worms, there are many other modern types of worms that is “eating your brain”, living in the body. Get a checkup, take samples from your spit, leave it in a glass for two-three weeks, and see if the eggs from the spit are getting to be to worms. Most “worms” in use are living in the lungs, and when you are coughing from the lungs, there is some “eggs”. You can see them as “brown spit”.

Are you getting out “machine-parts”, put them in a bank-safety-deposit-box, or they will get “stolen” in mysterious ways.

Read about how they are stimulating you in your sleep, hypnosis, and then sexual stimulation with “battery-implants” that is charging out and gives electrical stimulation in the sexual parts (normal 5-6 places), between the legs, under the breast-nipples. Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, “The Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind controlled slave”. Read also “Scarlet and the beast” and start to understand how all the big systems are hanging together, with CFR,UN, EU,CIA, Vatican, NATO, Bilderbergers, Trilateral-Commission, Freemasonry.

After 1984, the two powers of Freemasonry are co-operating and its nothing about countries anymore, now its satanistic and fascistic “machineries” that wants to slave bind everybody. There are thousands of companies and organizations that is co-operating with “the net-work”.
They call it a New-World-Order. I call it Satanism. And the biggest bandits are the ones that supposed to “go the good way”, the Vatican and the Pope.

They want “everybody” to have at least one chip, so they can control you and manipulate you.

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